EasyActive8 Classes


SEND Fitness classes from EasyActive8

Working with Active Norfolk, the EasyActive8 (www.EasyActive8.com) team are supporting children and adults with inclusive fitness classes to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Since the beginning of lockdown and shortly after the inception of the EasyActive8 website to enable users to keep active at home with weekly online yoga, pilates, aerobic, HIIT and dance classes, the team recognised that amongst all the fitness classes available to the public, none were specifically focused towards group with special education needs.

The nature of EasyActive8 sessions being live as well as limiting class numbers meant that the platform is well suited to accommodating specialist groups. With that in mind, the team were approached by Active Norfolk to support the ‘On The Move’ project, working with Assist Trust (Transition and Progression Services for People with Learning Disabilities in Norfolk) and the Special Olympics.

In the coming weeks, a ten week series of on demand online classes produced by EasyActive8 will be launched to facilitate activity centres for children and adults with Special Education Needs (SEN). Once the programme is complete, participants will be encouraged to continue their activities online with weekly classes from EasyActive8. All instructors are fully qualified and highly experienced. These live ‘inclusive’ classes are available to book now via the website at: www.easyactive8.com/inclusive-sen.. Alternatively, if you would like more information about ‘On The Move’, please click here to visit: www.activenorfolk.org/onthemove.


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