AES Online Instructor Bungee Training


AES Online Training - Making Learning Accessible


Due to the pandemic a lot of businesses looked at alternative ways to not only interact with team members but to also conduct their business. AES was not different and we have developed a training program that allows online training for bungee instructors. This will be continued to allow those that live outside of the UK the ability to take part in our training and use the Bungee Plus product. We have also opened this up to budding bungee instructors within the UK to allow a more time efficient way of training. All we require is for the student(s) to have a Bungee Plus full kit to enable us to run through exactly what is required from a health and safety view point.

Our lead instructor Jules, has been running these sessions with great results and we have also included some coaching sessions after the initial training to follow up on any questions as a result of some practice and your initial classes.

“The online training has really helped me because I have wanted to bring in bungee to my business but the distance and time to travel to the training centres have stopped me from doing so. Online training has not only saved me time but it has also saved me money without any reduction in knowledge, so I would highly recommend it to anyone” Catherine, Surrey


Can you afford to wait?


A closer look at the Bungee kit…